Physiologic and Training considerations for youth (512 years of age).
Physiologic differences between children and adults
- VO2 peak is similar to adults when adjusted for body weight
- Compared to an adult, able to perform endurance tasks relatively well.
- Health and fitness: physical activity of 60 mins on most or all days of week for elementary school children
- Aerobic training at high intensity is tolerated less due to the fact that sub maximal oxygen demand is high compared with adults for running.
- Decreased ability to perform longer duration, high intensity tasks(1010)
- Sweating rate: decreased tolerance to environmental extremities, particularly heat and humidity.
Basic Exercise Guidelines for Youth
- Resistance exercises should emphasize proprioception, skill, and controlled movement.
- Resistance exercise for muscular fitness-12 sets of 810 exercises with 812 reps per exercise.
- Sports/Athletes: progression of aerobic training volume not to exceed 12% per period of adaptation(so if 200 mins per exceed to 222 before intensity)
- >Duration:60 mins
- Movement assessment: Overhead squats, 10 pushup(if 10 cannot be performed, do as many as tolerated) Single leg stance(if tolerated perform 3-5 single leg squats per leg).
- 12 sets of 812 repsts at 4070% on 23 days per week.
- Phase 1 OPT mastered before moving on.
- Phase 25 reserved for mature adolescents on basis of dynamic postural control and Dr. recommendations.
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